Florida Association of Aging Services Providers

Advertising Opportunities

e-Newsletter $2,400

Editorial Profile: FASP's bimonthly e-Newsletter for members provides timely coverage of developments in public policy, research, practice, and programming in the field of aging.

Audience: The distribution of the e-Newsletter includes more than 100 members who are executive directors, presidents, CEOs and administrators of the agencies that provide community based services. The newsletter is emailed to members to provide a convenient format for forwarding to their employees. Total readership is estimated at a minimum of 1000.

Sponsorship Cost per issue: $2,400

Benefits of Sponsorship:
  • Company listing with logo in newsletter
  • Complimentary FASP membership for 1 year
  • Company listing with logo-link on the official website for FASP at https://www.fasp.net for 1 year
  • Company listing as supporting partner in subsequent issues of e-newsletter

Web logo/link $50 - $100

FASP Award Sponsorship $5,000

Sponsor the Annual FASP Awards presented annually during the Florida Conference on Aging and receive complimentary membership, which includes discounted conference attendance rates, advertisement and article in the FASP e-Newsletter, logo placement on the FASP Website, e-newsletter and in the Florida Conference on Aging program and more!

Award Type
  • Best Direct Service Employee of the Year
  • Senior Volunteer of the Year
For additional advertising opportunities e-mail moreinfo@fasp.net or call (850) 222-3524